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Mrrrr's Forum (VIEW ONLY) / Salata de fructe // Fruit salad / RETETA - Quesadilla (both in Romanian and in English) Moderat de TRaP, TonyTzu
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2214
Reteta mea de quesadilla.

In postarea 2 (care e in Engleza) sunt poze cu toate operatiile de "montaj".

- tortillas
- piept de pui - in functie de numarul de tortilla pe care il faceti si de marimea lor (la 6 tortillas eu pun cam jumatate de piept)
- ceapa - 1 sau 1/2
- usturoi - 4-5-10 catei, dupa gust
- cascaval, dat pe razatoarea mare sau rupt bucatele (daca sunt felii)
- porumb
- rosie (rosii) curatata de coaja si de samburi
- sos de soia
- busuioc verde sau patrunjel verde
- sare
- piper

Mod de preparare:
1. Se taie pieptul de pui cubulete mici - cam cat unghia degetului mare, si se pune la prajit in putin ulei
2. Dupa ce puiul s-a albit si s-a rumenit un pic, se adauga ceapa taiata marunt si usturoiul, care se calesc pana la capatarea unei culori inchise (maroniu)
3. Se adauga sare si piper dupa gust si sos de soia si se mai caleste 1-2 minute pana ce sosul de soia a fost absorbit, apoi se scoate amestecul intr-un castron (dupa ce ati adaugat sosul de soia, amestecul s-a innegrit - vezi poza in postarea 2)
4.1. Tortillas se incalzesc in tigaie, cate 5 secunde pe fiecare parte, "ca sa prinda viata" (o sa vedeti la ce ma refer 😅)
4.2. Tortillas se pun pe o suprafata plana si pe ele se pune in mod uniform cascaval dat pe razatoare sau rupt bucatele (vezi foto in postarea 2)
5. Pe o jumatate de tortilla (vezi pozele) se adauga celelalte ingrediente, respectiv amestecul cu pui, rosia fara coaja si samburi si taiata cubulete, porumbul, busuiocul / patrunjelul maruntit
6. Se pune tortilla astfel preparata intr-o tigaie si se lasa la foc mediu pana ce se topeste cascavalul, apoi se impatureste ca sa se lipeasca si se scoate pe o tava sau farfurie (vezi pozele)
7. Se face la fel si cu celelalte

Se servesc calde. Daca se lasa o vreme, se vor inmuia si nu vor mai fi grozave!

Inainte de a fi puse la prajit:



pus acum 8 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2214
This is my personal recipe of quesadilla:

Ingredients needed:
- 4 tortilla wraps
- chicken breast - 1/2 piece for 4 quesadillas (given that 1 breast is 15 cm long) - cubed
- 1 onion - chopped
- 4-5 garlic cloves - chopped
- 4-5 tbsp of sunflower oil - to fry
- soy sauce - 2-3 tbsp
- salt & pepper - to taste
- canned corn seeds - to taste
- 1 medium sized tomato - peeled and without seeds, sliced
- cheddar cheese - grated or ripped pieces (if cheddar was in slices)
- basil or parsley (fresh if possible) - minced

1. Add the sunflower oil to the pan and heat it up at medium fire.
2. Cut the chicken in small cubes, about the size of thumb finger's nail, and add it to the pan.
3. Once the chicken is white, add onion then garlic.
4. Let them fry until the onion starts to change color to brownish, then add a bit of salt and pepper to taste
5. Add the soy sauce and keep on fire until the soy sauce is absorbed.
6. Remove from pan into a bowl.


7. Wet the bottom part of the tortillas with a little bit of water then put the tortillas on a flat surface. Add cheddar.
(if you prefer them more crunchy, you can add butter to the frying pan in step 11, instead of water)
Instead, you can heat them up for 6 seconds on each side, before you add the ingredients; then they will "come alive" nicely.

8. Add the previously prepared chicken

9. Add corn - to taste

10. Add tomato slices & basil or parsley if you have them fresh (I had none that day :()

11. Heat up a pan but keep fire low and add the tortillas 1 by 1 and fry them

12. When the cheddar starts to melt, fold the tortilla so it glues together, then remove from the pan and serve hot


pus acum 8 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2214
mici modificari la prima reteta 😅


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