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I like to backup some of my Epic and Steam games to DVDs, since I payed for them I think I'm entitled to, instead of redownloading the whole 20 GB again and again...
The following is a simple script to make a setup with Inno Setup:
The game must first be installed.
Script below is made in Inno Setup and saved as .iss file (comments in this color)
#define MyTargetDir "DESIRED_PATH_OF_INSTALL_FROM_DVD" #define MySourceDir "CURRENT_INSTALL_FOLDER" #define MyAppName "GAME_NAME" #define MyAppVersion "GAME_VERSION" #define MyAppExeName "GAME_EXE.exe" #define SetupName "DESIRED_NAME_OF_SETUP_FILE" #define SetupIcon "icon.ico" [color=#ebadeb]; cannot add an executable here with ,0 after #define LeftMessage "SMALL_MESSAGE" ; eg. your name :) #define CompressMethod "lzma2/max" ; zip/1 or lzma2/max I use zip/1 to test and lzma2/max for final compression
[Setup] AppName={#MyAppName} AppVersion={#MyAppVersion} AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion} WizardStyle=modern DefaultDirName={#MyTargetDir}\{#MyAppName} DefaultGroupName={#MyAppName} UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\unins000.exe OutputBaseFilename={#SetupName} SetupIconFile={#MySourceDir}\{#SetupIcon} DisableWelcomePage=no DisableDirPage=no
; set an image to appear in the top right corner of the setup, square resolution ;WizardSmallImageFile="PATH\img_Small.bmp" ; set an image to appear on the left side of the setup, at the very end, something like W x H = 30 x 100 ;WizardImageFile="PATH\img.bmp" ; ####
; #### ; highest compression below, slow compress / decompress ~~~~ disable the above to enable the following 5 lines ;Compression=lzma2/ultra64 ;LZMAUseSeparateProcess=yes ;LZMADictionarySize=1048576 ;LZMANumFastBytes=273 ;LZMANumBlockThreads=4 ; number of cores needed is times 2 - LZMANumBlockThreads=4 x 2 = 8 cores needed ; ####
SolidCompression=yes OutputDir={#MyTargetDir}\{#MyAppName}
; DiskSpanning is required if compress files get larger than ~ 2 GB / file DiskSpanning=yes
; split to parts - start - 3 parts = 1 DVD perfect fit = 4,37 GB SlicesPerDisk=3 DiskSliceSize=1566000000 ; ####
[Files] Source: "{#MySourceDir}\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
[Tasks] Name: desktopicon; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"
[Icons] Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}" Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" Name: "{userdesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
[Run] Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
[Messages] BeveledLabel={#LeftMessage}
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Added the 2 lines in gold so that the install script shows the welcome page and directory select page by default. In the latest version of Inno Setup, the 2 pages are disabled by default.
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If for example you want to name your setup file as the name of the app but with _ instead of spaces in the name. Also if any - string is contained in the name of the app, I want that removed, so it doesn't appear in the setup name
Example: My app name is: AAAA BBB - CC D I want my setup name to be: AAAA_BBB_CC_D
#define MyAppName "AAAA BBB CC D" #define SetupNameTmp StringChange(MyAppName, "- ", "") ; temporary name where I am removing the minus by replacing it + a space ("- ") with nothing ("") #define SetupName StringChange(SetupNameTmp, " ", "_") ; final setup name where I am replacing the spaces (" ") with underscore ("_")
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If you want to add constants in another constant, for example if you want your setup name to also contain your app version number plus the word "Setup" in the end.
We can take the example in the post above, and here is the code to do the above (I marked the added lines in gold)
#define MyAppName "AAAA BBB CC D" #define MyAppVersion "v1.2.0" #define SetupNameTmp StringChange(MyAppName, "- ", "") #define SetupName StringChange(SetupNameTmp, " ", "_") + "_" + MyAppVersion + "_Setup" ; so using the + sign I can add other constants and strings
Resulting setup file name will be: AAAA_BBB_CC_D_v1.2.0_Setup
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Postari: 2241
Add a description page, you can use bold, underline, italic, text colors etc., but can't use images:
#define NfoFile MySourceDir + "\DESCRIPTION.rtf" ; IF FILE EXISTS, can be txt or rtf
[Setup] #if FileExists(NfoFile) InfoBeforeFile={#NfoFile} #endif
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Another way to add images:
#define LargeImage "big.bmp" ; must be BMP file; W x H like 200 x 385 or H = W * 1,925 #define SmallImage "small.bmp" ; must be BMP file; W x H like 30 x 30, square #define MyTemp MyTargetDir + "\" + "TEMP" ; temp folder, eg with the two images above
[Setup] #define MyImageL MyTemp + "\" + LargeImage #define MyImageS MyTemp + "\" + SmallImage #if DirExists(MyTemp) #if FileExists(MyImageL) WizardImageFile={#MyTemp}\{#LargeImage} #endif #if FileExists(MyImageS) WizardSmallImageFile={#MyTemp}\{#SmallImage} #endif #endif
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Change uninstall executable location, since you can't change its name:
[Setup] UninstallFilesDir={app}\Uninstall UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\Uninstall\unins000.exe |
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Conditional compression:
;#define CompressMethod "zip/1" ; TEST ONLY #define CompressMethod "lzma2/max" ; FINAL COMPRESSION
[Setup] Compression={#CompressMethod}
#if "lzma2/max" == CompressMethod CompressionThreads=auto LZMANumBlockThreads=3 LZMAUseSeparateProcess=yes LZMADictionarySize=65536 LZMABlockSize=262144
#elif "lzma2/ultra" == CompressMethod SolidCompression=yes CompressionThreads=auto LZMANumBlockThreads=3 LZMADictionarySize=1048576 LZMANumFastBytes=273
#else #error Compress method set to other than lzma2/max or lzma2/ultra ;SolidCompression=yes #endif |
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Postari: 2241
Add required files (DirectX, Visual C++ Redistributable etc.) so they appear as options on the last page, after install:
#define RedistExeDX "_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010\DXSETUP.exe" #define RedistExeVCx64 "_CommonRedist\vcredist\2022\VC_redist.x64.exe" #define RedistExeVCx86 "_CommonRedist\vcredist\2022\VC_redist.x86.exe" #define RedistSilentVCx64 "_CommonRedist\vcredist\2022\Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 x64.cmd" #define RedistSilentVCx86 "_CommonRedist\vcredist\2022\Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 x86.cmd"
[Run] Filename: "{app}\{#RedistExeDX}"; Description: "Install DirectX"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent unchecked Filename: "{app}\{#RedistExeVCx64}"; Description: "Install Visual C++ 2022 x64 manually"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent unchecked Filename: "{app}\{#RedistExeVCx86}"; Description: "Install Visual C++ 2022 x86 manually"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent unchecked Filename: "{app}\{#RedistSilentVCx64}"; Description: "Install Visual C++ 2022 x64 silently"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent Filename: "{app}\{#RedistSilentVCx86}"; Description: "Install Visual C++ 2022 x86 silently"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent |
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Postari: 2241
Add message on first page of the setup, using red emboldened text:
[Messages] WelcomeLabel2=THIS GAME REQUIRES A CONTROLLER!%n%nIt will not work without one!%n%nGame data is stored in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Need for Speed Heat
[Code] ; under the following procedure you might have more code, the "Bold" and "Red" lines can be added right after "begin", just as below procedure InitializeWizard; begin WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.Font.Style := [fsBold]; //Bold WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.Font.Color := clRed; // Red
// any other code goes here
end; |
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Postari: 2241
Custom Code section with "insert desired username" page, and add countdown timer on install progress page. The 2 lines in the Setup section are also required.
[Setup] DisableWelcomePage=no DisableDirPage=no
var CustomQueryPage: TInputQueryWizardPage; { added this var for username input page }
function GetTickCount: DWORD; external 'GetTickCount@kernel32.dll stdcall';
var StartTick: DWORD; PercentLabel: TNewStaticText; ElapsedLabel: TNewStaticText; RemainingLabel: TNewStaticText;
procedure AddTime(var S: string; Count: Integer; L: string); begin if Count > 0 then begin if S <> '' then begin S := S + ' '; end; if Count > 1 then L := L + 's'; S := S + Format('%d %s', [Count, L]); end; end;
function TicksToStr(Value: DWORD): string; var I: DWORD; Hours, Minutes, Seconds: Integer; begin I := Value div 1000; Seconds := I mod 60; I := I div 60; Minutes := I mod 60; I := I div 60; Hours := I mod 24;
AddTime(Result, Hours, 'hour'); AddTime(Result, Minutes, 'minute'); AddTime(Result, Seconds, 'second'); if Result = '' then Result := '-'; { no time } end;
{ added this entire procedure for username input page } procedure AddCustomQueryPage(); begin CustomQueryPage := CreateInputQueryPage( wpWelcome, 'Change name of your player', '', 'What do you want your user name to be in-game?');
{ Add items (False means it's not a password edit, as in it won't have to hide what you type under asterisks) } CustomQueryPage.Add('User name:', False); CustomQueryPage.Values[0] := 'Mrrrr'; end;
procedure InitializeWizard; begin
AddCustomQueryPage(); {added this line from input box } PercentLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(WizardForm); PercentLabel.Parent := WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Parent; PercentLabel.Left := 0; PercentLabel.Top := WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Top + WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Height + 12;
ElapsedLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(WizardForm); ElapsedLabel.Parent := WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Parent; ElapsedLabel.Left := 0; ElapsedLabel.Top := PercentLabel.Top + PercentLabel.Height + 4;
RemainingLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(WizardForm); RemainingLabel.Parent := WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Parent; RemainingLabel.Left := 0; RemainingLabel.Top := ElapsedLabel.Top + ElapsedLabel.Height + 4; end;
{ added this entire procedure for username input page } procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); var IniFileName: string; IniFileName2: string; // You can add multiple IniFileName variables and edit multiple ini files, but with the same username begin if CurStep = ssPostInstall then begin { Read custom value } { MsgBox('Your user name is = ' + CustomQueryPage.Values[0], mbInformation, MB_OK); } IniFileName := ExpandConstant('{app}\x64\FILENAME.ini'); IniFileName2 := ExpandConstant('{app}\x86\FILENAME.ini'); { SetIniString syntax: Section, Key, Value, Filename} SetIniString('Settings', 'UserName', CustomQueryPage.Values[0], IniFileName); SetIniString('Settings', 'UserName', CustomQueryPage.Values[0], IniFileName2); end; end;
procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin { if CurPageID = wpWelcome then WizardForm.Caption := 'Welcome to MyAppName'; } if CurPageID = wpInstalling then StartTick := GetTickCount; { if CurPageID = wpFinished then WizardForm.Caption := 'MyApp Installation Complete!'; WizardForm.FinishedLabel.Caption := 'Congratulations! MyApp installation is complete! Enjoy!'; } end;
procedure CancelButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer; var Cancel, Confirm: Boolean); begin if CurPageID = wpInstalling then begin Cancel := False; if ExitSetupMsgBox then begin Cancel := True; Confirm := False; PercentLabel.Visible := False; ElapsedLabel.Visible := False; RemainingLabel.Visible := False; end; end; end;
procedure CurInstallProgressChanged(CurProgress, MaxProgress: Integer); var CurTick: DWORD; begin CurTick := GetTickCount; PercentLabel.Caption := Format('Done: %.2f %%', [(CurProgress * 100.0) / MaxProgress]); ElapsedLabel.Caption := Format('Elapsed: %s', [TicksToStr(CurTick - StartTick)]); if CurProgress > 0 then begin RemainingLabel.Caption := Format('Remaining: %s', [TicksToStr( ((CurTick - StartTick) / CurProgress) * (MaxProgress - CurProgress))]); end; end; |
You can add multiple fields on the custom query page, see this:
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