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Mrrrr's Forum (VIEW ONLY) / Tutoriale si Ghiduri Utile // Tutorials and useful guides / [WINDOWS] File Renamer in VBScript Moderat de TRaP, TonyTzu
Mesaj Pagini: 1

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2247
I found no renaming app that can do a renaming based on other files; i.e., I have some 200 videos in a folder and subtitles for each of those, but the subtitle files are named differently. And I want the subtitles to get the same names as the videos to ensure that any player would load them properly.

So I was looking for an alternative to rename the subtitle files in the natural order, by having the desired names in a text file or Excel file. The easiest solution I found was through VBS.

The script below can be further improved, I know. Maybe I will do that one day. For now:

Option Explicit

Dim message
    message = MsgBox("How to use:" & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "  This script was originally addressed to renaming subtitles, but can be used for any types of files." & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "  1. In the folder where the current script is located, create a subfolder and put the files to be renamed in it. The natural order of the files in the folder should be the order in which you want them renamed." & VbCrlf & _
    "  2. In the folder where the current script is located (not in the subfolder), create a text file (.txt) containing the desired names of the files in the desired order, 1 name on each line (if 200 files, there should be 200 lines). Do not include extensions for the files, just their desired names." & VbCrlf & _
    "  3. After clicking the Yes button below, you will be asked to input the name of the subfolder containg the files and after that the name of the text file containing the desired names." & VbCrlf & _
    "  4. Then the script will do the job and give confirmation that renaming is complete." & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "That's it!" & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED?", vbYesNo, "Renaming script usage 101")

' Exit script if the answer is No
If message = vbNo Then
End If

' Initialize FileSystemObject
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Input boxes for subfolder name and text file name
Dim fName, fldName
fldName = InputBox("Input the name of the SUBFOLDER containing the files (not case sensitive):")
fName = InputBox("Input name of text FILE containing a list of desired names (not case sensitive):")

' Paths
Dim namesFile, sbFolder
sbFolder = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(fldName)
namesFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(fName & ".txt")

' Check if the subfolder exists
If Not fso.FolderExists(sbFolder) Then
    WScript.Echo "ERROR: The folder " & fldName & " does not exist."
End If

' Check if the text file exists
If Not fso.FileExists(namesFile) Then
    WScript.Echo "ERROR: The file " & fName & " does not exist."
End If

' Read names from the text file
Dim i
Dim namesArray()
i = 0
With fso.OpenTextFile(namesFile, 1) ' 1 = ForReading
    Do Until .AtEndOfStream
        ReDim Preserve namesArray(i)
        namesArray(i) = .ReadLine
        i = i + 1
End With

' Get list of files in the subfolder
Dim subFile, subFiles
Set subFiles = fso.GetFolder(sbFolder).Files

' Check if there are files to rename
If subFiles.Count = 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "ERROR: No files found in the " & fldName & " subfolder."
End If

Dim wrng
If i <> subFiles.Count Then
    wrng = MsgBox("WARNING!"  & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
                "There are more files in the " & fldName & " subfolder than lines in the " & fName & " file!"  & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
                "DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED?", vbYesNo, "WARNING!")
    If wrng = vbNo Then
    End If
End If

' Rename the files
i = 0
For Each subFile In subFiles
    ' Match each file with a name from the txt file
    If i >= UBound(namesArray) + 1 Then
        WScript.Echo "WARNING! More files in " & fldName & " than lines in the " & fName & " file. Extra files will not be renamed."
            Exit For
    End If
    ' Keep the file extension
    Dim fileExtension
    fileExtension = fso.GetExtensionName(subFile.Name)
    ' Construct new file name
    Dim newFileName
    newFileName = namesArray(i) & "." & fileExtension
    ' Rename the file
    subFile.Name = newFileName
    i = i + 1

WScript.Echo "Renaming complete."

Source for the actual renaming part and the WScript.Echo warnings: ChatGPT
The input boxes and rest of the warnings I added myself.


pus acum 1 luna

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2247
With the help of ChatGPT, I enhanced this so I don't have to keep to manually copy the .vbs file to the desired folder, manually run it, then manually delete it.

To automate the above, you need AutoHotkey and an update to the above VBS script. I saved the VBS script to a desired static folder (static as in whose path I won't change), I saved the AHK script file in the same folder, then created a shortcut to the AHK file in my shell:startup folder.

The keyboard shortcut I set with AutoHotkey is CTRL+R, shortcut that will do the following:
- the AHK script will copy the VBS file from my static folder to the currently active folder (where I pressed the CTRL+R keyboard shortcut)
- the AHK script will run the VBS file (I updated the VBS script it so it detects the current folder - where it was copied by AHK)
- you will manually input the subfolder name into the VBS script, then press OK, then the text file name, then press OK to rename the files (note: the creation of the subfolder with files to be renamed, and the creation of the text file with desired names will still be manual)
- then the VBS script closes after you click the OK button on the files renaming confirmation
- then the AHK script will delete the VBS file from the current folder and give confirmation

Important note:
If your current folder is not properly detected, make sure you open your desired folder in the first Windows Explorer on your taskbar.
It does not to be the only open folder, just the first on your taskbar from left to right.
If that does not work either, restart Windows Explorer from Task Manager.

VBS script (path to it is required in the AHK script) - I named it Rename files v1.5.vbs
Made in this color what actually changed from the script above

Option Explicit

Dim objShell, objExplorer, objWindow
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objExplorer = Nothing

' Find the active Explorer window
For Each objWindow In objShell.Windows
    If InStr(1, objWindow.FullName, "explorer.exe", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        Set objExplorer = objWindow
        Exit For
    End If

' Check if an active Explorer window was found
If objExplorer Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "No active Explorer window found. Please open a folder and select a file.", vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

' Decode the folder path from URL to standard file path
Dim folderPath
folderPath = objExplorer.LocationURL
folderPath = Replace(folderPath, "file:///", "")
folderPath = Replace(folderPath, "/", "\")
folderPath = Replace(folderPath, "%20", " ")

' Test if current active folder is correct
'MsgBox folderPath

Dim message
    message = MsgBox("How to use:" & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "  This script was originally addressed to renaming subtitles, but can be used for any types of files." & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "  1. In the folder where the current script is located, create a subfolder and put the files to be renamed in it. The natural order of the files in the folder should be the order in which you want them renamed." & VbCrlf & _
    "  2. In the folder where the current script is located (not in the subfolder), create a text file (.txt) containing the desired names of the files in the desired order, 1 name on each line (if 200 files, there should be 200 lines). Do not include extensions for the files, just their desired names." & VbCrlf & _
    "  3. After clicking the Yes button below, you will be asked to input the name of the subfolder containg the files and after that the name of the text file containing the desired names." & VbCrlf & _
    "  4. Then the script will do the job and give confirmation that renaming is complete." & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "That's it!" & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
    "DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED?", vbYesNo, "Renaming script usage 101")

' Exit script if the answer is No
If message = vbNo Then
End If

' Initialize FileSystemObject
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Input boxes for subfolder name and text file name
Dim fName, fldName
fldName = InputBox("Input the name of the SUBFOLDER containing the files (not case sensitive):")
fName = InputBox("Input name of text FILE containing a list of desired names (not case sensitive):")

' Paths
Dim namesFile, sbFolder
'sbFolder = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(fldName)
'namesFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(fName & ".txt")
sbFolder = folderPath & "\" & fldName
namesFile = folderPath & "\" & fName & ".txt"

' Check if the subfolder exists
If Not fso.FolderExists(sbFolder) Then
    WScript.Echo "ERROR: The folder " & fldName & " does not exist."
End If

' Check if the text file exists
If Not fso.FileExists(namesFile) Then
    WScript.Echo "ERROR: The file " & fName & " does not exist."
End If

' Read names from the text file
Dim i
Dim namesArray()
i = 0
With fso.OpenTextFile(namesFile, 1) ' 1 = ForReading
    Do Until .AtEndOfStream
        ReDim Preserve namesArray(i)
        namesArray(i) = .ReadLine
        i = i + 1
End With

' Get list of files in the subfolder
Dim subFile, subFiles
Set subFiles = fso.GetFolder(sbFolder).Files

' Check if there are files to rename
If subFiles.Count = 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "ERROR: No files found in the " & fldName & " subfolder."
End If

Dim wrng
If i <> subFiles.Count Then
    wrng = MsgBox("WARNING!"  & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
                "There are more files in the " & fldName & " subfolder than lines in the " & fName & " file!"  & VbCrlf & VbCrlf & _
                "DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED?", vbYesNo, "WARNING!")
    If wrng = vbNo Then
    End If
End If

' Rename the files
i = 0
For Each subFile In subFiles
    ' Match each file with a name from the txt file
    If i >= UBound(namesArray) + 1 Then
        WScript.Echo "WARNING! More files in " & fldName & " than lines in the " & fName & " file. Extra files will not be renamed."
            Exit For
    End If
    ' Keep the file extension
    Dim fileExtension
    fileExtension = fso.GetExtensionName(subFile.Name)
    ' Construct new file name
    Dim newFileName
    newFileName = namesArray(i) & "." & fileExtension
    ' Rename the file
    subFile.Name = newFileName
    i = i + 1

WScript.Echo "Renaming complete."

AHK script (I put a shortcut to it in shell:startup)

^r:: ; CTRL+R Hotkey

    SourceFile := "D:\YOUR FOLDER PATH GOES HERE\Rename files v1.5.vbs"
    ExplorerPath := ""

    ; Use COM to retrieve the active Explorer window path
    For window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
        ; Check if this is the active window
        if (window.hwnd = WinActive("A"))
            ExplorerPath := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path

    ; If a valid path is found, proceed
    if (ExplorerPath)
        ; Copy the file to the active folder
        DestinationFile := ExplorerPath . "\Rename files v1.5.vbs"
        FileCopy, %SourceFile%, %DestinationFile%
        if !ErrorLevel
            MsgBox, File copied successfully to %ExplorerPath%.

            ; Run the copied VBS script
            RunWait, % "wscript.exe """ . DestinationFile . """"

            ; Delete the VBS script after it runs
            FileDelete, %DestinationFile%

            ; Confirm deletion
            if !FileExist(DestinationFile)
                MsgBox, File executed and deleted successfully from %ExplorerPath%.
                MsgBox, File could not be deleted from %ExplorerPath%. Please check permissions.
            MsgBox, Failed to copy the file to %ExplorerPath%. Please check permissions or file existence.
        MsgBox, Could not determine the active folder. Please make sure a Windows Explorer window is active.


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