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Mrrrr's Forum (VIEW ONLY) / Tutoriale si Ghiduri Utile // Tutorials and useful guides / FORUM INDEX ---- INDEX OF ALL THE TOPICS IN THIS SECTION ---- Moderat de TRaP, TonyTzu
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Postari: 2228

AUTOHOTKEY Capitalize Words in almost Every Software
AUTOHOTKEY Change Case of Selected Text
AUTOHOTKEY Insert Specific Time Typing Some Text ---- added 16.09.2023
AUTOHOTKEY Launch Files Folders URLs from a Text List
AUTOHOTKEY Macro to CTRL C to Replace Text In Clipboard then Paste ---- TOPIC DELETED - moved to Replace a Character with Another, Interactively (as a post) as it was a simpler version of a code doing the same thing
AUTOHOTKEY Macro To Move Around the Screens and Click
AUTOHOTKEY Macro to Open Right Click Context Menu Item
AUTOHOTKEY One Click Image Download
AUTOHOTKEY Replace a Character with Another Interactively
AUTOHOTKEY Replace a string in clipboard before pasting ---- TOPIC DELETED as it was a simpler version of Macro to CTRL C to Replace Text In Clipboard then Paste
AUTOHOTKEY Script to wrap text between tags AHK
AUTOHOTKEY Script to insert certain text ---- added 22.10.2023
AUTOHOTKEY Swap Text at a Certain Character or Word Interactively ---- TOPIC DELETED as it was v1.2 of Replace a Character with Another, Interactively (moved there as post)
AUTOHOTKEY Use ESC or 2 x ESC to Close Programs act like Alt F4
AUTOHOTKEY Various Very Useful Scripts by DaveBrny on GitHub


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Postari: 2228

Colors Used in Topics and Posts
Cum sa pui un GIF animat la avatar pe forumurile 3x
5 Cool Firefox About Config Hacks To Make Browsing Smoother
CHROME Backup and Restore Passwords
CHROME Chrome Shows Balck or White Bar at Top in Full Screen ---- added 20.11.2023
CHROME Disable File cannot be downloaded securely
CHROME Disable Software Reporter Tool
CHROME FIREFOX IE Fix net err cert date invalid if you have Avast
CHROME Have Multiple Bookmarks Bars
CHROME Temp Disable File is dangerous so Chrome has blocked it
Cum sa salvezi imagini de pe Hi5
Cum sa scapi de reclamele din yahoo messenger
Download Files Without Download Option from Scribd
Download music from MySpace for free
Download Pictures from Yahoo Groups
Facebook How To Download Facebook Videos in HD Quality
Facebook unpublishes your page Solutions
Find out if your buddy was online on YM while you were gone
Firefox - Some Shortcuts
FIREFOX - Use multiple profiles on Firefox
FIREFOX CHROME Copy Contents From Websites that Block It
FIREFOX Create userChrome css to Make Custom Themes
FIREFOX Disable Blocked can contain a virus or spyware
FIREFOX Disable desktop notifications for a site
FIREFOX Display Foreign russian chinese characters in webpages
FIREFOX Force Open PDF File in Browser Instead of Download
FIREFOX Firefox Quantum - Put tabs on rows CSS
FIREFOX Firefox Quantum - some addons don t work - workaround
FIREFOX How to use the spell checker
FIREFOX Image glitch on Windows 8
FIREFOX Increase or Decrease Tab Width tested on Quantum
FIREFOX Install an unsigned add-on
FIREFOX Make Firefox stop scanning downloads for a virus
FIREFOX Menus that can be accessed from address bar
FIREFOX Move scrollbar from right to left
FIREFOX Multi-line Bookmarks on the Bookmark Bar
FIREFOX Multi-line Tabs on the Tab Bar
FIREFOX Prevent FireFox from updating
FIREFOX Remove the Close Tab Button from Tabs
FIREFOX Restore Most visited link in Bookmarks Toolbar
FIREFOX Save web pages to a single file with all images included
FIREFOX UNDO Do this automatically for files like this from now on
FIREFOX Use Multiple Versions of Mozilla Firefox on the Same PC
FIREFOX View YOUTUBE videos directly in full screen
GOOGLE - Disable google instant search without account
GOOGLE google search NoCrap Google Search Bar
GOOGLE Search Articles from Date Interval
GOOGLE Search results redirection
HTML Afiseaza diacritice in paginile web facute in HTML
HTML ASCII Encoding Reference 3F 3D etc
HTML Multiple Line Spaces
HTML Styles you Can Use for Unordered Lists
IDM How To Block Internet Download Manager Automatic Updates
IMDB Prevent Title From Being Automatically Translated
Interesting add-ons to help posting on forums
JAVA Install JRE or JDK without ask toolbar or other such addons
NET - Make ur Internet n Bandwidth Rapid - Windows XP 98
OneDrive How to View the Direct Link to an Image
REFOX Make Any Add-on Compatible with Newer Versions of Firefox
SHAREPOINT Get Direct Link from Sharepoint Image
SHAREPOINT Manage Alerts for Other Users - Create Delete
SKYPE How to delete specific Skype messages
SLIDEGUR COM How to download presentations from slidegur com
STREAMING Download Online Videos with Subtitles CC - captions
UTILE Vizualizare informatii pe MFINANTE - mai simplu
YAHOO MESSENGER Why it doesn't notify you anymore when new mail


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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2228

EXCEL List of Excel Constants (VBA)
EXCEL Macro Color Code List, ColorIndex and RGB Usage VBA
EXCEL TOPICS IN THIS FORUM: Operations with dates

EURLEX Use Excel Search Formula to Look for Legislation
EXCEL 365 2019 Using the IFS Function to Bypass the Limit of 7 IF
EXCEL ActiveCell Comment Show or Hide Toggle
EXCEL ActiveWorkbook SaveAs Type mismatch error 13 VBA
EXCEL Acts Like ALT Key - Disable That
EXCEL Add Always Visible Comments but NOT with Insert Comment
EXCEL Add Bank Exchange Rates to Excel and Refresh On File Open
EXCEL Add Hyperlink in Active Cell to Active Cell VBA
EXCEL Add or subtract days months or years from a date
EXCEL Add Picture Popup for a Cells in a Range
EXCEL Add Remove BORDERS to from Selection
EXCEL Add Remove Password to All Sheets VBA
EXCEL Add Shape Button that Simulates Button Press VBA
EXCEL Add Sheet Name in Excel Formula
EXCEL Adjusting Margins Columns in Excel 2007 Print Preview
EXCEL Advanced Conditional Formatting Add VBA
EXCEL Advanced Free Chart Tools and Addins
EXCEL Alert about incoming dates
EXCEL Alerts About Approaching Due Dates
EXCEL ALT F11 No Longer Opens VBA
EXCEL Always Paste Values when Pressing CTRL V
EXCEL Assign Keyboard Shortcuts to Custom VBA Codes
EXCEL Autocomplete Current Year if You Write Day and Month
EXCEL Autofill Letters from A to Z ABCD
EXCEL Automatically Add Separator (; or ,) Between Items in Formulas ---- added 14.03.2024 (older topic)
EXCEL Automatically Resize Height of Rows in Selection VBA
EXCEL Balance Amount by Last Date Last Hour Card number ARRAY
EXCEL Bold only Certain Parts of Text in a Cell Range VBA
EXCEL Calcul zile lucratoare dintr-un an
EXCEL Calculate number of days between two dates
EXCEL Can t see text from cells
EXCEL Center Chart Title VBA
EXCEL Change bar colors in a chart faster using hotkey and mouse
EXCEL Change Bar or Line Color Based on Value CHART
EXCEL Change case in excel cells
EXCEL Change Chart Labels Position via VBA
EXCEL Change Header or Footer for All Sheets in Workbook
EXCEL Change multiple hyperlinks
EXCEL Change text case to UPPER lower Sentence Title
EXCEL Change Text in Document with UserForm VBA
Excel characters from 0 to 255
EXCEL Check if a cell equals one or multiple values
EXCEL Check if Hyperlinks are Good not broken links VBA
EXCEL Clear All Filters in Table Sheet VBA
EXCEL Clear Immediate window with VBA Code
EXCEL Close Workbook Without Asking to Save VBA
EXCEL Color Cells in Range if Values Exist in Other Range Cond frm
EXCEL Color Duplicates in Different Colors VBA
EXCEL Color Format Positive Negative Numbers FORMAT VBA
EXCEL Color Parts of Text in a Cell VBA
EXCEL Color Text Inside Cell
EXCEL Color Text Inside Cell Comment VBA
EXCEL Compare 2 Ranges and Add Text for Matching Values IF COUNTIF
EXCEL Compare and Match Records in 2 Sheets - Find Missing ARRAY
EXCEL Compare data in 2 columns return match no match
EXCEL Compare dates and conditional formatting
EXCEL Compare Excel Files Using Conditional Formatting
EXCEL Compare if 2 columns are equivalent AND ARRAY
EXCEL Compare Strings in 2 columns and conditional formatting
EXCEL Compare values in one multiple columns then SUM some numbers
EXCEL Concatenate Column to One Cell VBA
EXCEL Concatenate Columns to 1 Cell if Condition ARRAY IF MCONCAT
EXCEL Concatenate Row Values IF Condition
EXCEL Conditional formatting - various examples
EXCEL Conditional Formatting Cells with Errors eg DIV 0 etc
EXCEL Conditional Formatting Color Groups of Rows w helper col
EXCEL Conditional Formatting on Range if Cell Contains Text
EXCEL Conditional Formatting to Align Text
EXCEL Conditional Formatting Top 1-2-3 Different Colors
EXCEL Conditional Formatting with Number Values
EXCEL Connect points on 2 series with vertical line high-low lines
EXCEL Convert Date Joined with Time to Week Number
EXCEL Convert date to text Convert date serial number to date
EXCEL Convert Hours to Years Months and Days
EXCEL Convert Selection to Number with Thousand Separator VBA
EXCEL Convert Text to Existing Format - number time date VBA
EXCEL Copy 1 Sheet - Paste X Times Rename Multiple Sheets VBA
EXCEL Copy Above Row Column to Selection multiple rows cols
EXCEL Copy Above Row to Selection paste on multiple rows
EXCEL Copy and Paste Chart Formatting non-VBA VBA
EXCEL Copy columns paste rows
EXCEL Copy formulas without changing cell references
EXCEL Copy Page Setup options to other sheets
EXCEL Copy page setup settings to other sheets
EXCEL Copy paste conditional formatting to other cells
EXCEL Count cells containing certain text
EXCEL Count characters in a cell
EXCEL Count Duplicates in Column ROWS SUM IF COUNTIF ARRAY
EXCEL Count How Many Names Start with Letter
EXCEL Count how many or values in 2 columns SUMPRODUCT IF
EXCEL Count How Many Times a Character is in a Cell LEN SUBSTITUTE
EXCEL Count the Number of Hyperlinks in Column GET CELL INDIRECT
EXCEL Count the number of unique values in a column
EXCEL Count the number of unique values in a selected column VBA
EXCEL Count values between two numbers
EXCEL Count Words in Excel Sheet VBA
EXCEL Countif only in visible cells after filter
EXCEL Countif Text Exists in Cells in Range
EXCEL Create a Custom Sort List eg sort Clothes Sizes SORT
EXCEL Create a Date from 3 Different Cells
EXCEL Create a Drop Down Box in a Cell
EXCEL Create a Scrollbar Table
EXCEL Create a shortcut for PASTE VALUES
EXCEL Create columns rows that expand or collapse group
EXCEL Create Custom Colors and Add to Quick Access Toolbar VBA
EXCEL Create Dynamic Print Area for More Less Rows OFFSET COUNTA
EXCEL Create Dynamic Print Area for More Less Rows VBA
EXCEL Create Hyperlink to Cell Address HYPERLINK
EXCEL Create Hyperlink to Cell Address in Current Sheet HYPERLINK
EXCEL Create Hyperlink to First Empty Cell in Column HYPERLINK
EXCEL Create Hyperlink to Show or Hide Rows VBA
EXCEL Create Table CTRL T without Column Resizing
EXCEL Create Your Own Excel Icon Set conditional formatting
EXCEL Data Bars For Percentage Not Correct Length
EXCEL Data Validation - Source is not a Range or Named List
EXCEL Date Column Not Sorting Properly
EXCEL Delete multiple blank empty rows or rows containing strings
EXCEL Delete Rows That Contain Text VBA
EXCEL Deleted Table Still Remains in the Data Model ---- added 22.10.2023
EXCEL Dependent Drop Down Lists
EXCEL Difference between a date and today
EXCEL Display current month in cell with UPPERCASE letters
EXCEL Display Series Rows with Zero Value in Charts Pivot Tables
EXCEL Do Not Resize Comment when Resizing Cells
EXCEL Don t Display Zero On Excel Chart
EXCEL Don t Show Decimals if They are 00 but Show Otherwise
EXCEL Drag and Fill Only Weekdays week days no formula
EXCEL Dynamic Excel Filter Search Box
EXCEL Embed Word document in Excel
EXCEL Error message Cannot shift objects off worksheet
EXCEL Errors Were Detected While Saving the Excel File... ---- added 18.12.2023
EXCEL Excel doesn t automatically wrap text
EXCEL Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate
EXCEL Excel Table No Longer Filtering Scrollbar Not Working
EXCEL Excel Works Very Slow Calculating Threads and Whatnot
EXCEL Export All Modules to a Folder as bas files
EXCEL Extract Date from a Cell Full of Text
EXCEL Extract Multiple Unique Matches with Condition
EXCEL Extract Random Cell From Range
EXCEL Extract Rows from a Range that Meet Certain Criteria
EXCEL Extract Start Date and End Date or Month from Week Number
EXCEL Extract Text Between 2 Characters in a String SEARCH VBA
EXCEL Extract Unique Values from a Column ---- added 03.01.2024
EXCEL Extract URL address from hyperlink VBA
EXCEL Extract Week of the Month from Date calendar version
EXCEL Extract X Random Numbers Names etc From a Range VBA
EXCEL Extract zodiac sign from birthdate using formula not macro
EXCEL Extrage varsta din CNP data nasterii din CNP
EXCEL Extrage zodia din CNP
EXCEL Fill Cell Interior with RGB with Formula VBA function
EXCEL Fill with AA AB AC
EXCEL Filter Pivot Table or Slicer for the Most Recent Date
EXCEL Find 1st 2nd 3rd etc Most Frequent String in Range
EXCEL Find and remove duplicates VBA Conditional Formatting
EXCEL Find Broken Links from other files FIND
EXCEL Find How Many Legal Holidays are Between Two Dates
EXCEL Find Last Not Empty Cell in Column then Do Something LOOKUP
EXCEL Find MIN or MAX with IF condition MIN MAX IF ARRAY
EXCEL Find Nearest Lower Greater Value in Range ARRAY
EXCEL Find out If a Value String exists in a Range COUNTIF
EXCEL Find Row Number or Cell Address for Index-Match CELL ROW
EXCEL Find Widths of Selected Columns Height for Rows VBA
EXCEL For Values of Zero Don t Display Decimals cond formatting
EXCEL Force Uppercase In Column VBA Data Validation
EXCEL Format Chart to Show Millions and Thousands Text FORMATTING
EXCEL Formula to Check if Year is Leap Year ---- added 03.01.2024
EXCEL Formula to Intercalate Values in Two Columns ---- added 21.12.2023
EXCEL Formula to Join Multiple Rows to One Cell TEXTJOIN
EXCEL Formula to Return All Matches for 1 Value INDEX ARRAY
EXCEL Formula to Update Automatically if Row Insert in the Middle
EXCEL Formula With Table Field Fixed Absolute
EXCEL Freeze multiple rows and columns
EXCEL Freeze Panes don t Persist when you Save - Close - Open
EXCEL Function to Generate Random Codes VBA
EXCEL Generate Unique Random GUID Codes
EXCEL Get Cell Font Color and Background GET CELL INDIRECT
EXCEL Get First and Last Day of the Month EOMONTH
EXCEL Get Value of Last Non Empty Cell in Row LOOKUP
EXCEL Go To Last Used Cell in Selected Column VBA
EXCEL Google Search Cell Contents HYPERLINK
EXCEL GoTo Cell Reference in Other Document based on Selection VBA
EXCEl Hide Activesheet without Having to Name It VBA
EXCEL Hide Comments on UserForm Show Show Comments on Close
EXCEL Highlight Active Cell VBA Conditional Formatting
EXCEL Highlight All Dates from a Specific Year
EXCEL Highlight Duplicates in a Column VBA
EXCEL Highlight Highest Lowest Value in Range Cond Formatting
EXCEL Highlight Matches Based on Search Box
EXCEL Highlight Row if Cell Contains Text FIND CONDITIONAL FORMAT
EXCEL Highlight Row If Value in A1 is in Column B
EXCEL Highlight Rows Based on Value Change CONDITIONAL FORMATTING
EXCEL Highlight Text in Email with Background Color VBA
EXCEL Highlight the Active Row or Column when Cell is Selected VBA
EXCEL Highlight the Active Row when Cell is Selected VBA
EXCEL Highlight Value if Text is Something OR COND FORMATTING
EXCEL How can I prevent the privacy warning in Excel
EXCEL How to auto hide rows if blank cells in a column
EXCEL How to Automatically Add Cur No Nr Crt to a Table
EXCEL How to capitalize only the first letter in a cell
EXCEL How to delete all hidden rows or columns in Excel
EXCEL How To Play Video and Audio Directly in Excel File ---- added 12.12.2023
EXCEL Hyperlink a Cell to Itself VBA
EXCEL Hyperlink to a Specific Cell in Another Excel File
EXCEL Hyperlink to Macro to Navigation and Table Filtering
EXCEL Hyperlinks to JPG files in EXCEL open in IE fix
EXCEL IF Cell is Percentage or Number do Different Calculation
EXCEL If either string found do smth SUMPRODUCT SEARCH INDEX
EXCEL IF first character of a cell is 1 write a string
EXCEL If InputBox Cancel Button Pressed Exit Sub
EXCEL If Statement false check next row for true condition ARRAY
EXCEL If string matches in 2 cells return value from 3rd cell
EXCEL IF text in cell is A B C return number 6 12 1231
EXCEL Importing Bookmarked Text from Word Document
EXCEL Include previous month name in formula containing other text
EXCEL Increase Letters by One Letter a b c d etc
EXCEL Index Match with VBA
EXCEL Index-Match From Multiple Sheets
EXCEL Insert Date in Cell only in Allowed Format with not
EXCEL Insert Formula in Cell to Count Unique Values to LastRow VBA
EXCEL Insert line break inside cell
EXCEL Insert multiple rows a specific number
EXCEL Insert myDate and myTime in the Same Cell VBA
EXCEL Insert Number with Decimals and Text in Cell ROUNDUP
EXCEL Insert Pivot Table with Slicers via VBS
EXCEL Insert Simple Conditional Formatting with Formula in Selection
EXCEL Insert Text with Date Formula in the Same Cell TEXT
EXCEL Keep Chart Formatting for Slicer Filtered Charts
EXCEL Locking column widths in Excel 2007
EXCEL Locking rows columns so they don t scroll out of view
EXCEL Macro to copy formatting only and paste with letter combinatio
EXCEL Macro to Format a Table Add Borders Conditional Format VBA
EXCEL Macro to HIDE or SHOW all Charts VBA
EXCEL Macro to Make Text in Row UPPER CASE lower case Proper Case
EXCEL Macro to memorize dates in a column VBA
EXCEL Macro to print
EXCEL Macro To Save All xlsx in Folder to PDF Batch excel to PDF
EXCEL Macro To Show Hide Grouped or ungrouped Columns
EXCEL Macro to Split Text to Columns - Reset the Auto Split VBA
EXCEL Macro to Toggle Between R1C1 and A1 Column Styles
EXCEL Macros to Replace Characters VBA
EXCEL Mail Add-ins for Excel for Windows
EXCEL Make a Button in Quick Access Toolbar to Run a Macro
EXCEL Make a Macro Available in All Excel Documents
EXCEL Make Auto Calculation Active When Workbook Open VBA ADD-IN
EXCEL Make Chart With Colored horizontal Regions
EXCEL Make Image Move with Cell Non-VBA VBA
EXCEL Match values in 2 columns then COUNT
EXCEL Merge contents of 2 columns name surname with spaces
EXCEL Missing DLL Can t Save file Missing Object Library
EXCEL Most Frequently Occurring Word INDEX MODE MATCH ARRAY VBA
EXCEL Move ActiveWindow to The 2nd Monitor and Back VBA
EXCEL Move Every Other Row to Another Column VBA non-VBA
EXCEL Move remove replace etc strings eg minus VBA
EXCEL Multiple If Find String in Cell then Display Value VBA
EXCEL Multiple Matches and Multiple Conditions INDEX MATCH ARRAY
EXCEL N Function - description syntax examples
EXCEL Numbering rows without hidden ones VBA
EXCEL Numbers won t sort correctly
EXCEL On Worksheet Change Insert Date into Cell VBA
EXCEL ON-OFF Print Comments Notes and Column Letters Row Numbers
EXCEL Open Hyperlink in a Different Browser VBA
EXCEL Open Hyperlink to PDF File at a Specific Page
EXCEL Open Hyperlink to PDF on Website at a Specific Chapter
EXCEL Open Hyperlink to PDF on Website at a Specific Page
EXCEL Paper Sizes for PageSetup PaperSize Property VBA
EXCEL Parse Weather API Response using VBA to Range JSON
EXCEL Password Protect a Sheet with Conditions toggle unprot VBA
EXCEL Password Protect Ranges of Cells for Multiple Users
EXCEL Paste Only Column Widths VBA
EXCEL Paste Special - Cell References B2 C2 etc
EXCEL Pivot Table - Change Multiple Fields to Sum VBA
EXCEL PIVOT Table - group dates numbers text
EXCEL Pivot Table - Make all Fields Tabular VBA
EXCEL Prevent entering values with spaces in Excel
EXCEL Prevent Hyperlinks from Changing Text Font
EXCEL Prevent Hyperlinks from Changing when Moving Excel File
EXCEL Prevent Pivot Table from Resizing
EXCEL Prevent Selecting Multiple Options in Slicer
EXCEL Prevent Table Width from Changing when Inserting Column
EXCEL Print a sheet on multiple pages with header and title
EXCEL Print chart with text box
EXCEL Print multiple sheets to one PDF or to printer as 1 document
EXCEL Print Titles Shows Text From The Row Below
EXCEL Problems with Workbook_Open in Personal.XLSB ---- added 22.12.2023
EXCEL Protect Cells Containing Formulas in an Unprotected Sheet
EXCEL Protect unprotect all sheets at once
EXCEL Protect Your VBA Code with a Password VBA
EXCEL Pull text from a cell
EXCEL Put a multiple filter in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
EXCEL Record Log When File Was Open
EXCEL Refresh Pivot Table in ActiveSheet
EXCEL Remove a specific character from a cell and display the rest
EXCEL Remove Conditional Formatting from Entire Workbook VBA
EXCEL Remove Document Inspector Warning VBA
EXCEL Remove Items from Pivot Table Filter VBA
EXCEL Remove N characters from a cell incl line break
EXCEL Remove Password of Sheets Workbook FORCEFULLY VBA
EXCEL Remove Slicer Pivot Table Old Data
EXCEL Remove VBA Code From a Workbook using VBA VBA
EXCEL Repeat Row Height Adjustment Multiple Times VBA
EXCEL Replace 1 character with another substitute
EXCEL Replace Multiple Characters with Others VBA FUNCTION
EXCEL Replace Text with Formula VBA
EXCEL Resize All Pictures in ActiveSheet to a Desired Height VBA
EXCEL Resize and Relocate all Comments in Sheet or Workbook VBA
EXCEL Resize Table in ActiveSheet Based on Value in Cell
EXCEL Return and Rank First Occurrence From a Column
EXCEL Return values from multiple sheets - get sheet name from cell
EXCEL ROT-13 Encryption VBA
EXCEL Row Height won t Resize on Double Click
EXCEL Save Active Workbook to Desktop Automatically
EXCEL Save As Dialog to Save a Workbook in Excel VBA
EXCEL Search box in excel with matches and partial matches shown
EXCEL Search For Multiple Values from Range in Another Range VBA
EXCEL Search Matches Corresponding to Values VLOOKUP INDEX MATCH
EXCEL Select Multiple Items in Drop Down List VBA
EXCEL Select Multiple PivotTable Filters VBA
EXCEL Send ActiveWorkbook via E-mail with Outlook VBA
EXCEL Send Email when Date is Due Run Daily VBA no software req
EXCEL Send Email when Date is Due Run Daily VBA OUTLOOK
EXCEL Send Email with EmailWatcher and PDF Attach from Word VBA
EXCEL Sequential Number for Visible Rows Only
EXCEL Set Table Style To None
EXCEL Share Workbook on Excel Destkop Edition and Track Changes
EXCEL Shortcut Key to Evaluate Parts of Formula
EXCEL Shortcut keys
EXCEL Show Different Results if Value in Either of Multiple Arrays
EXCEL Show Weekday for Date TEXT
EXCEL Sort Data Alphabetically with Formula COUNTIF INDEX MATCH
EXCEL Sort Filter Table by Column Criteria VBA
EXCEL Split a Workbook to Separate Excel Files
EXCEL Split column into multiple columns
EXCEL Stack Transpose Values From Multiple Rows to 1 Column VBA
EXCEL Stack Values from Two Columns VBA non-VBA
EXCEL Start numbering pages by using a different number
EXCEL Step 1 - Insert Conditional Formatting with Formula VBA
EXCEL Step 1 2 - Highlight Active Row when Cell is Selected VBA
EXCEL Step 2 - Insert VBA Code into Active Sheet Code VBA
EXCEL Subscript Superscript Text Inside Cell
EXCEL SUM COUNT Colored Cells in Range VBA
EXCEL Sum Function Returns Incorrect Result because of decimals
EXCEL Sum If Unique Values to Another Sheet VBA
EXCEL SUM numbers for date interval and multiple conditions SUMIFS
EXCEL Sum numbers in a range if a text corresponds in another range
EXCEL Sum Numbers in Rows Based on Drop Down Selections
EXCEL SUM only in visible cells after filter - including CRITERIA
EXCEL Sum Range but Ignore Errors N A VALUE SUMIF ARRAY
EXCEL Sum Range if Cells Begin with Number Text SUMPRODUCT SUMIF
EXCEL SUM Range if Cells Do Not Contain Text SUMIFS
EXCEL SUM Same Cell from Multiples Sheets SUM
EXCEL Sum Selection then Copy Sum to Clipboard VBA
EXCEL Sum the products between numbers in 2 columns
EXCEL Sum Values in Column based on Match on Row SUM IF
EXCEL Sum with 5 Conditions in Visible Rows of a Table
EXCEL Switch to Desired Ribbon on Worksheet SelectionChange VBA
EXCEL Table Keeps Adding Shading for a Row
EXCEL Text Box Operations - add tab stops clear VBA
EXCEL Top 10 or more less Most Frequent Values in Range Array
EXCEL Top 10 or more less Values in Range Array LARGE Cond form
EXCEL Top 100 Useful Excel Macro Codes Examples VBA
EXCEL Transpose Table Switch Rows with Columns TRANSPOSE
EXCEL Transpose with Formula
EXCEL Unable to Open http Cannot Download the Information you Req
EXCEL Unmerge Rows and Duplicate Data to the Empty Cells VBA
EXCEL Unselect Row don t allow user to select certain row
EXCEL Use Dynamic Sheet Name in Formula INDEX MATCH INDIRECT
EXCEL Use IF with multiple conditions
EXCEL Use multiple IF statements and bypass limit of 7 IFs
EXCEL Use Unicode hex Characters in VBA diacritice
EXCEL Using Incremental Numbers in Excel Tables Crt No Nr Crt
EXCEL Using Macros in All Sheets in the PERSONAL XLSB file VBA
EXCEL Using Manual Calculation instead of Automatic Calculation
EXCEL Using the TEXT Function for Dates
EXCEL VBA - Extract File Name from Path Stored in Cell
EXCEL VBA Cheat Sheets Commands Syntax Lists
EXCEL VBA Code to Show Range Address in MsgBox ---- added 22.11.2023
EXCEL VBA to Extract Date from Filename ---- added 11.12.2023
EXCEL VBA to Replace Text in Multiple Excel Files ---- added 28.11.2023
EXCEL Verify if a String Exists in an Entire Sheet
EXCEL WORD etc Replace multiple values at the same time
EXCEL Work in the Same Document on 2 Screens and Save All Data
EXCEL Working Hours in Period-Weekends-Holidays-Personal Days
EXCEL Working With Slicers to Filter Data


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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2228

AutoCAD Export AutoCAD settings
AutoCAD Hotkeys
AUTOCAD Rotate multiple text entries in place
AUTOCAD Selecting all the lines of certain color Find Replace
AutoCAD Special Characters
Convert AI files to common formats
DRAFTSIGHT Show Line weights
IMAGES Add Timestamp to Already Taken Photos
Management Diagrama matricea RACI


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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2228

BOOK - Compaq 610 - Maintenance and Service Guide
Disable laptop keyboard in favor of USB keyboard
HEADSET How to pair old Nokia bluetooth headset to Android device


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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2228

MAIL How to Find SMTP Server for an Email Address
MAIL Send Email from excel using Gmail Account via SMTP
OUTLOOK A program is trying to send an email message on your behalf
OUTLOOK Add-in to Keep Outlook Running close to minimize
OUTLOOK Allow Only One Instance of Outlook to Run
OUTLOOK Always Pop Out Window for Replies and Forwards
OUTLOOK Automatically Replace Specific Text in Subject VBA
OUTLOOK Can t Save Attachment - Check Folder Permissions
OUTLOOK Change the Sound Notification When Receiving e-mails
OUTLOOK Create New Task with QAT Button VBA
OUTLOOK Exclude account from receiving or sending emails
OUTLOOK Force Outlook New Account PST OST Paths on another drive
OUTLOOK Forwarding Emails to Multiple Accounts
OUTLOOK Get Desktop Notifications for All Folders
OUTLOOK How to Color Emails with Conditions person word etc
OUTLOOK How to Delete an Outlook Profile Manually
OUTLOOK Import ics File to Calendar
OUTLOOK Insert Specific Text at Cursor Position VBA
OUTLOOK Keep Outlook Running without Add-in relaunch after close
OUTLOOK MAIL Setting Outlook Account with POP3 and IMAP
OUTLOOK Make Outlook Open to a Specific Default Account Inbox
OUTLOOK Move ActiveWindow to The 2nd Monitor and Back VBA
OUTLOOK Right Click - Send to - Mail Recipient with HTML Signature
OUTLOOK Save All Attachments from Selected E-mails VBA
OUTLOOK Save All Inline Pictures in an Email
OUTLOOK Save All Received Emails to Local Folder
OUTLOOK Search Emails from Date Interval Date Range
OUTLOOK Search Emails Sent to Persons in CC and Not to Some Persons
OUTLOOK Search Emails that Do Not Contain a Word
OUTLOOK Selected Text Font Color to Black, Blue, Strikethrough
OUTLOOK Send and Receive Frequency
OUTLOOK Update Desktop Application Password in Outlook 2019
THUNDERBIRD Delivery Status Notification DSN on every email
THUNDERBIRD Fix Thunderbird from opening multiple instances
THUNDERBIRD Never Close Minimize to Tray Taskbar Start w Windows
YAHOO / GMAIL See if someone tried to log into your account
YAHOO MAIL Insert inline picture into email
YAHOO MESSENGER Keyboard shortcuts
YAHOO Remove Facebook friends from YM group list


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Cum calculezi alcoolemia
Cum scapi de capusa?
DIY Vertical Stapler
Fahrenheit to Celsius
How to Find Truffles in the Forest
How to Shorten a Metal Watch Bracelet
KNDLE Find Out What Kindle Version You Have Firmware Update
ORANGE Cum poti afla codul PUK daca ti-ai blocat SIM-ul
Remove stuff from between your teeth
Semnificatia codurilor meteo
TRIR Calculation total recordable incidence rate for injuries
WEBOS Play YouTube on TV from PC without ADS


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POWERPOINT Add slide or page numbers date and time
POWERPOINT Change Fonts On All Slides
POWERPOINT Code to Save Active Slide as PNG to File Directory VBA
POWERPOINT Create Add-In to Load Macros in Any Powerpoint File VBA
POWERPOINT Create Custom Buttons to Color Selected Text VBA
POWERPOINT Create your own templates - slide master
POWERPOINT Insert document in presentation - open doc from ppt show
POWERPOINT Insert video into presentation
POWERPOINT Locking Pictures and Text Boxes on Slides
POWERPOINT Use laser mouse cursors in presentations
POWERPOINT WORD Remove picture transparency


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SAP Change Default Login Language
Check with VBS which Transaction You Are In, Which SAP System is Connected etc.
SAP Disable MS Word as Default Text Editor for SMARTFORMS
SAP Disable SAP Always Asking for Permissions when Saving Files
SAP Enable Script Recording and Playback
SAP Expand and Collapse All the Subtotals in an ALV Grid
SAP Reset ALV Export disable opening excel in SAP interface
SAP View Technical Name of Field


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How to RIP Games
Inno Setup Making Install Setup for Your Programs
Inno Setup Simple Script to Install Your Folder


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TEXT & PDF & general OFFICE

ADOBE Disable Adobe Acrobat Reader updates
ADOBE How to Delete a Digital Signature from Adobe
ADOBE Shockwave player keeps crashing
COMICS How to easily create comic books - CBR CBZ
Convert CBR CBZ to PDF free
Convert DjVu to PDF
Formatarea Textelor in Word
How to Convert PDF to JPG
Installing a different language on your Office 2010
Micsorare marime PDF
NOTEPAD Replace remove all characters after a certain character
NOTEPAD Run VBScript from Notepad with Shortcut Key
OFFICE Files stuck and freeze on Contacting server for information
OFFICE Find Last Saved Office Document if lost changes BACKUP
OFFICE Keep format painter selected active
PDF CheckBox Checked Fill Color Completely JavaScript
PDF Find out DPI of PDF Files Containing Images scan
PDF How to compress a PDF file
PDF Insert Today in Date Field Insert Now in Field JavaScript
PDF X-Change Viewer Quickly delete multiple markups in pages
Quick Fix Manually Installing The Adobe PDF Printer for Acrobat 9
TEXT Create 36 empty TXT files in one click
TEXT How to Search for Text Inside Multiple PDF Files at Once
WORD, EXCEL Useful Shortcut Keys and Tips


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Postari: 2228

HTA About HTA. Usage. Tutorials. Examples [HTA, VBS, HTML

Add Tooltip to Select Option
HTA HTML Add Border Around Select Option
Add Folders At Startup on Windows 11 (GUI interface)
HTA javascript Make Multiple Interdependent Radio Button Groups
HTML Color Codes
VBS Assign Current User Desktop Path not only desktop to Variable
VBS Check if Excel file is Open
VBS Check if SAP is Open or Not
Create BAT Batch File
VBS Delete Folders and Contents
VBS HTA Basic SAP Interaction with Dates Taken into Account
VBS HTA Extract Month End Date Given Month Number Year
VBS HTA HTA Freezes - Terminate winword exe Closes all instances
VBS HTA Open Files Folders Using HTA File
VBS HTA Read Extract Data from Word File s Bookmarks
VBS HTA Select Text Box Field with VBS
VBS Move and Click Mouse Using an Old Excel Function
VBS Move Mouse Cursor to X Y Physical Coordinates then Left Click
VBS Open Internet Explorer and Login to Site
VBS Open Video Camera Viewer and Login in Internet Explorer
VBS Previous Week s News on European Commission s Press Corner
VBS Resize HTA Window On Load Depending on Screen Resolution
VBS Run a Program Hidden from VBScript
VBS Use Unicode hex Characters in VBS diacritice
VBS Working With Dates
VBSCRIPT Script to batch edit desktop ini for multiple folders
VBSCRIPT Use InputBox in VBScript to Set Variables VBS
VBSCRIPT Various Date and Time Information in VBScript


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Add permanent subtitles to S VCD DVD AVI with ffdshow vobsub
HANDBRAKE Adauga diacritice romanesti pe video
How to add permanent subtitle to a video with virtualdubmod
KMPLAYER Disable update popup ----- testing methods
KMPlayer doesn t show icon for MP4 files - how to fix
KMPlayer KMP window comes to foreground everytime a song changes
KMPLAYER Problema diacritice
KMPlayer Remove Getaway sidebar
Make Winamp forget playlist
MKV Change the Size of ASS Embedded Font File
Tutorial VirtualDUB Romania-inedit
VIDEO Add subtitle to video file
VIDEO Add Subtitles to AVI Files or other video formats
VIDEO Change the Title of a MKV Video File
VIDEO Convert SUB IDX files to SRT
VIDEO Good Subtitle Fonts
VIDEO How to Make Screenshots From Videos
VIDEO Quickly Join Videos in cmd ---- added 02.01.2024
VIDEO Quickly Merge Multiple TS Files Into One TS File
VIDEO-AUDIO Reduce Bit Rate of Audio Track from Video File
What is the fastest video converter - Yahoo Answers


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POWERSHELL Find Large Files in Folder and Subfolders
13 Antivirus Rescue CDs Software
40 Incredibly Useful Computer Tips Keyboard Shortcuts
Autoplay for USB stick in W7 SP1
BACKUP Acronis - restore Windows to a backed up state
Backup your XP accounts easily
BAT Create a TXT File for Every EXTENSION File in a Folder
BAT File to Open Multiple Folders at Once
Best 3D settings for Intel Graphic Media Card
Comanda Recovery Console - Pentru Restaurare Windows Bulit
Connect / Disconnect Bluetooth Headphones via VBS ---- added 07.04.2023
CoreCOM initialisation is incorrect OS not managed
Disable the Performance Counter feature in Windows7
Disabling and Enabling Scandisk and Chkdsk during the boot sequence
Don t Bother Downloading All Versions of Windows 7
Dupa instalarea daemon tools - partitie inaccesibila
File System Allocation Unit Size for USB Flash Drives
FLASH - Flash Player won t install
GIGABYTE App Center Freezes Immediately
How to Create Cue file for a Bin file in 5 Steps
How To Enable Disable Search In Windows 7
How To Hide Files in JPEG Images
How To Hide Files Like a Super Villain
How to Make Windows 8 or 8 1 Look and Feel Like Windows 7
How To Reinstall Your Windows Xp Without Losing Your Data
How to Remove Linux and Install Windows XP
How To Repair or Replace Boot ini in Windows XP
How to show full file names for desktop icons
Install XP and 7 on the same computer
Kaspersky - Prelungire Licenta
Mai multe despre USB-uri Flash Drive
Make custom Windows install with nLite
Recover Windows Installation - Corrupted System Files
Remove Genuine Validation
Remove the beep whenever I press down 3 keys at the same time
Remove the HP Support Assistant icon from my taskbar
Remove write-protect on USB devices
ROUTER How to find out your router or modem IP address
VMware Thinapp Tutorial
WIN - Disable and Remove Alert Center System Icon
WIN - Stop and start services from the command line
WINDOW Check Firewall Rule Creation Date
WINDOWS 10 Access to C Users Mrrrr Documents was denied - ALLOW
WINDOWS 10 Disable Downloaded Files from Being Blocked
WINDOWS 10 Disable Windows Defender - BUT BETTER NOT
WINDOWS 10 Edit and Save Hosts File
WINDOWS 10 Fix Annoying Things in Windows 10
WINDOWS 10 Fix Slideshow Not Working
WINDOWS 10 Pin ANY FILE to Start Menu or Taskbar
WINDOWS 10 Regedit cannot import Error Accessing the Registry
WINDOWS 10 Remove Folders from Under This PC
WINDOWS 10 Remove OneDrive from File Explorer without Uninstalling
WINDOWS 10 Rename Quick Access Pinned Folders
WINDOWS 10 Start Menu Tiles Backup and Restore
WINDOWS 7 Disable beep when pressing multiple keys at once
Windows 7 DreamScene
WINDOWS Add Any Extension to the New Context Menu
WINDOWS Add Any Program to Desktop Context Menu
WINDOWS Add Any Program to Start - Run
WINDOWS Add Any Program to StartUp incl to Start Minimized
WINDOWS Add command prompt to folders right click
WINDOWS Add Find Target to Context Menu in XP
WINDOWS Add New Folder Text File to MAIN Context Menu
WINDOWS Add Recycle Bin to Start Menu or Taskbar
WINDOWS Add Shortcuts to the Context Menu of My Computer This PC
WINDOWS Allow or Prevent Non-Admin Users from Reboot Shutdown
WINDOWS Annoying Automatic Re-selection When Renaming Files
WINDOWS Assign a Custom Icon to a File Type
WINDOWS atikmdag sys BSOD
WINDOWS Batch Change Rename File Extensions
WINDOWS Block uninstall windows updates
WINDOWS Boot Up Num Lock Key
WINDOWS Bulk Rename Utility RegEx Renaming
WINDOWS Can t Delete Folder Because of Thumbs db
WINDOWS Can t Edit Hosts File - Wants You to Save to Another File
WINDOWS Cannot Delete Folder - Could Not Find This Item
WINDOWS Caps scroll num lock notification
WINDOWS Change Administrator User Folder Name
WINDOWS Change background color of folders in Windows 8
WINDOWS Change Default Browser Programatically VBS
WINDOWS Change Default Local Server Printer with 1 Click VBS
WINDOWS Change Desktop Icon Horizontal and Vertical Spacing
WINDOWS Change Window Title Bar Color
WINDOWS Configure Windows Updates Policies days hours etc
WINDOWS Convert Video File to Images extract frames
WINDOWS Copy or move all files inside multiple folders
WINDOWS Copying Between Drives Slows Down to Zero
WINDOWS Create a Text File Next to Every File in a Folder
WINDOWS Create CLSID to Add Your Own Folders to This PC CPanel
WINDOWS Create Open With for Every File Context Menu
WINDOWS Create Your Own Folders under This PC
WINDOWS Customize Multiboot Startup Options
WINDOWS Delete Files with Too Long Names
WINDOWS Disable Automatic Search in Windows Explorer
WINDOWS Disable Do you want to change the color scheme to improve
WINDOWS Disable Fn Key on Lenovo Laptops BIOS
WINDOWS Disable the always ask before opening this file message
WINDOWS Disable WinSAT Windows System Assessment Tool
WINDOWS Display Foreign russian chinese characters in text files
WINDOWS Download Windows 10 ISO Directly from Microsoft
WINDOWS Dual Monitor Wallpaper Stretch Issue not full size
WINDOWS Easily Partition Drive HDD SSD NVMe From Windows Alone
WINDOWS Enable and Disable Items in the New Context Menu in Windows
WINDOWS Enable Autocomplete for Run Dialog and Windows Explorer
WINDOWS Enable Disable Automatic Maintenance in Windows 8 8 1
WINDOWS Enable Disable Hibernation Move pagefile sys elsewhere
WINDOWS Enable Paths Longer than 260 Characters in Windows 10
WINDOWS Error 129 Reset to device Device RaidPort0 was issued
WINDOWS EXCEL CMD Rename multiple files using list of names
WINDOWS External USB Drive - Process Locking it extend rmmetadata
WINDOWS Extract Logon and Logoff Times to Notepad
WINDOWS Find Out Motherboard Name BIOS version from Windows
WINDOWS Find Out Which Ports are Open
WINDOWS Find the History of Every USB Device that Was Connected
WINDOWS Find Which Files Have a Path Longer than 255 Characters
WINDOWS Firewall Rule Enable and Disable with VBScript
WINDOWS Firewall Rules Backup and Restore
WINDOWS Fix FPS drop in Windows 8 and 8 1
WINDOWS Fix Missing Save To Desktop Option In Save Dialog Box
WINDOWS Fix Windows 10 Activation After Big Hardware Change
WINDOWS Fix WPD File system volume driver code 10 error
WINDOWS Force Close a Program which Task Manager Cannot Terminate
WINDOWS Hide inactive icons is greyed out in Taskbar Properties
WINDOWS Hotkey to Create New Folder
WINDOWS How do I add a printer if I know it s IP address
WINDOWS How Do You Create a Protected Operating System File Folder
WINDOWS How to boost volume over 100 in Windows 7
WINDOWS How to Change Windows Explorer s Starting Location
WINDOWS How To Delete A Folder That Won t Delete
WINDOWS How to disable the always ask before opening this file
WINDOWS How to fix Cyrillic text on Windows 7
WINDOWS How to get the old Alt Tab dialog in Windows 10
WINDOWS How to Install Python and Pip then Packages with Pip
WINDOWS How to Look Up Windows Error Codes in CMD
WINDOWS How to remove adware and malware
WINDOWS How to Run a Microsoft Defender Offline Scan in Windows 10
WINDOWS How to See What Your Windows Restart Time is
WINDOWS How To Uninstall Reinstall Microsoft Apps via PowerShell
WINDOWS Install unsigned driver in Windows 8 8 1 10
WINDOWS Laptop plugged in not charging Windows 7 solution
WINDOWS Local Group Policy - gpedit.msc
WINDOWS Macro Enabled File Coming from Email
WINDOWS Make a Folder Open when You Log Into Windows
WINDOWS Make a List of Files Folders in a Directory Tree
WINDOWS Make multiple copies of the same file
WINDOWS Make own customized theme in Windows 10 and 11
WINDOWS Make Small Buttons Bigger in Screenshot High Quality
WINDOWS Make Start Menu Tile Area Wider
WINDOWS Make Your Own DLL Files with Icons free
WINDOWS Manually Change One Or Several Folder Icons
WINDOWS Manually edit the Right Click menu
WINDOWS Much Space Occupied on C Huge OfficeFileCache
WINDOWS Never Combine Icons on Windows 11 Taskbar
WINDOWS Open CMD prompt on any folder in W7
WINDOWS Open Custom Folder with WIN E Shortcut
WINDOWS Open Remote Desktop Connection in Full Screen on 2nd monitor
WINDOWS Open SWF File in 2022
WINDOWS Open the full right click menu by default on Windows 11
WINDOWS Partition USB Flash Drive
WINDOWS Pin Any Folder to Taskbar or Restore Windows Explorer
WINDOWS Pin Recycle Bin to Quick Access Show under Desktop
WINDOWS Powercfg to Change Monitor Timeout to 1 min or Never
WINDOWS Prevent CHKDSK From Running Every Time My PC Starts
WINDOWS Prevent File and Folder Deletion
WINDOWS Prevent Windows Update From Automatically Restarting Your PC
WINDOWS Print folder contents
WINDOWS Protect folder with more than password
WINDOWS Quickly Refresh Icon Cache
WINDOWS Recover Lost Partition - RAW Unallocated Space
WINDOWS Remove Items From the File and Folder Context Menu
WINDOWS Remove Keyboard Layouts that Can t Be Removed
WINDOWS Remove Shortcut Arrows
WINDOWS Remove shortcut virus
WINDOWS Rename all files in folders with folder name as prefix
WINDOWS Rename Files with Too Long Names to Open
WINDOWS Rename folders 1stName LastName to LastName 1stName
WINDOWS Rename switch first 2 3 4 words in a file name
WINDOWS Reset Notification Area Icons in Windows 10
WINDOWS Reset TCP IP if wireless disconnects occasionally
WINDOWS Reset WSL Linux Password if You ve Forgot It
WINDOWS Restore Default Location of User Folders in Windows 7 and 8
WINDOWS Restore Previous Folder Windows at Logon
WINDOWS Run bat file at startup to modify registry
WINDOWS Run commands
WINDOWS Schedule a nightly reboot in Windows 8 1
WINDOWS Search Is Frozen - Unfreeze
WINDOWS Search Issue When Changing File Explorer Window Size
WINDOWS See What Software is Using a Port
WINDOWS Shell Commands for Folders
WINDOWS Shortcut Key to Bring Specific Window to Front View
WINDOWS Shortcut to Clear Print Queue
WINDOWS Shortcut to Empty the Recycle Bin LNK or VBS
WINDOWS Shortcut to Move Window to Second Monitor
WINDOWS Show the hidden local Hard drives in My computer
WINDOWS Shutdown command parameters
WINDOWS Speed Up Folders Loading if it is Slow
WINDOWS Start Multiple Instances of a Program at Once
WINDOWS System PID 4 Locks Executable Files
WINDOWS Take screenshot print screen only of active window
WINDOWS The server BF6 did not register with DCOM
WINDOWS Turn Off Aero Shake (minimizes all windows to taskbar) ---- added 28.10.2023
WINDOWS Tipuri de licente explicate VUP OEM RETAIL
WINDOWS UAC is Disabled but Some Icons Still Have the Shield
WINDOWS Unallocated Space Can t Be Deleted
WINDOWS Unhide System Hidden Files Hidden Check Grayed Out
WINDOWS Uninstall Security Updates KB via CMD
WINDOWS USB Drive Write Protected Cannot Be Formatted
WINDOWS USB Mouse Disconnecting When Turning On Speakers
WINDOWS Using PowerShell to View and Change BIOS Settings
WINDOWS VBScript to Go To a Registry Key Jump to Registry Key
WINDOWS View Windows install date even if many updates
WINDOWS White Banner Problem
WINDOWS Windows 10 Privacy Guide
WINDOWS Windows 10 Search Doesn t Find Newer Files in Folder
WINDOWS Windows 10 Services - Info Winver When They Appeared
WINDOWS Windows 11 Disable Snap to Corners
WINDOWS Windows 11 Opens Folder Shortcuts in Shortcut Location
WINDOWS Windows 11 - Search in Date Interval ---- added 31.10.2023
WINDOWS Windows 11 Supported CPUs
WINDOWS Windows 7 - Desktop icons suddently can t be moved around
WINDOWS Windows 7 delays and dead keys
WINDOWS Windows 7 God Mode
WINDOWS Windows 7 Services Configuration
WINDOWS Windows 8 Fast Startup mode
WINDOWS Windows Arrow Keys no Longer Move Windows Around
WINDOWS Windows Defender Keeps Saying it Found Virus
WINDOWS Windows Spotlight Not Working Properly
WINDOWS XP Add Copy as path to right click context menu
WINDOWS You ll need to provide administrator permission to
WINDOWS7 Can t pin programs to the taskbar
WINRAR Create Multiple Profiles - Each file, All Files, ZIP - Store, RAR - Best etc.
WINRAR Make working SFX shortcut


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Microsoft Word Hotkeys Keyboard Shortcuts
OFFICE Turn Off Enable editing in Word 2010
Use Word s Find and Replace feature to change text from Bold to Blue
Using a Shortcut Key to Change the Font Case in MS Word
WORD 10 cool ways to get more from Word s Find and Replace feature
WORD Add EditBox on Ribbon to Go To Page Number VBA XML
WORD Add Insert Page X of Y Toggle to QAT VBA
WORD Add line between columns when no text
WORD Add Line Bullets with Arial Font not Symbol
WORD Add Page Numbers or Fix Page Numbering VBA
WORD Add Toggle in QAT for Table Borders and Picture Borders VBA
WORD Adding Removing Line Numbering
WORD Assign Keyboard Shortcuts to Custom VBA Codes
WORD Auto add numbers to pictures
WORD Batch Convert DOC to DOCX DOCX to DOC and DOC to PDF VBA
WORD Bookmarks Insert Show-Hide and Batch Delete VBA
WORD Can t save normal dotm template changes
WORD Change Default Font Settings In Word 2010
WORD Change Header and Text in Document with UserForm VBA
WORD Change Language for All Text in Active Document VBA
WORD Change page margins in multiple documents - UNSOLVED
WORD Clear All Tab Stops in Active Document VBA
WORD Clear All Tabs in Document VBA
WORD Clear Empty Bookmarks from ActiveDocument VBA
WORD Close All Open Documents Except Current One
WORD Count Charactes and Words in Selection VBA
WORD Count Occurences of a Word or Character in Selection VBA
WORD Count Occurences of a Word or Phrase in Document VBA non-VBA
WORD Count Table Cells in Selection VBA
WORD Create Bookmark List for Current Document VBA
WORD Create default table formatting style
WORD Create word template from scratch
WORD Create Your Own Multi-Line Tooltips
WORD Custom UI Runtime Error in Custom Ribbon file ---- added 03.01.2024
WORD Delete all section breaks in a word document
WORD Delete Paragraph if its Shading is RGB VBA
WORD Disable Automatic Hyphenation if it s not Installed VBA
WORD Drag Drop Editing - copy move words etc
WORD Equation Editor not working even if installed in Word 2007
WORD Establish the unicode decimal number for a character
WORD etc Batch print multiple documents without having to open each
WORD EXCEL Bring Back the Old Print Preview
WORD EXCEL Enable or disable hyperlink warning
WORD EXCEL Links to VBA Resources
WORD EXCEL Make Opened UserForm Allow Moving Through the Document
WORD EXCEL Personal XLSB and Normal DOTM Files Locations Transfer
WORD EXCEL POWERPOINT CustomUI Files Location QATs Ribbons
WORD EXCEL PPT Change defaults for shapes and text boxes
WORD EXCEL Quickly Navigate Between Open Documents
WORD EXCEL Start UserForm on Correct Monitor when Dual Monitors
WORD Extract all images from a word file
WORD Field Updating on Saving Any Document On Button Click
WORD Find All Fonts Used in a Word Document VBA
WORD Find and highlight text between two characters
WORD Find and Replace Numbers eg 24 99 etc
WORD Find Replace and Highlight Replacements VBA
WORD Finding invisible text box that suddenly disappeared
WORD Fix Error A table in this document has become corrupt
WORD Fix Microsoft Word Formatting Keyboard Shortcuts
WORD Fix Page page of numpages
WORD Get Back the Search Dialog when Pressing CTRL F
WORD Getting rid of invisible section breaks
WORD Go to last edited place when opening a document non-VBA VBA
WORD How to Get Rid of Empty Line After Table VBA
WORD How to Insert an Automatic Date Change in Word
WORD How to select more highlight colors in Word
WORD How to start numbering on page 3
WORD Hyperlink All Paragraphs in Document VBA
WORD Image Not Showing Even if Inline with Text
WORD Insert number of pages words characters date time etc
WORD Insert Page Margin Using InputBox VBA
WORD Install Customized Ribbon on Every Word Document
WORD Macros to create predefined font colors in QAT VBA
WORD Make all pages in certain format A4 A5 etc
WORD Make Custom Fill Color Swatches VBA
WORD Make Header Footer Stretch with Portrait Landscape
WORD Margins font justified save
WORD Move ActiveWindow to The 2nd Monitor and Back VBA
WORD No Fill for Selected Table Cell VBA
WORD Open Document and Collapse All Headings
WORD Open Hyperlinks on Click Instead of CTRL Click
WORD Open Multiple Hyperlinks VBA
WORD Open word document at the last edited page
WORD Page Mirror Margins Toggle VBA
WORD Page Sizes A3 A4 etc in pixels
WORD Print 1st page only from multiple documents
WORD Print Document with Comments and Changes
WORD Print without highlights and easy on off highlighting
WORD Properly Overlap Arrow Shapes over Table Borders
WORD Registry Locations of Word settings incl AutoCorrect
WORD Remember Cursor Position to Go To It Later VBA
WORD Remove all hyperlinks in a word document
WORD Remove double borders from table
WORD Remove line from header or footer
WORD Remove Page Border with One Click VBA
WORD Remove Word Document Password in Case You Forgot It
WORD Replace Diacritics accented characters in the Entire Document
WORD Replace special characters in Word
WORD Replace Specific Text only in Selection VBA
WORD Save Current File as RTF with One Click
WORD Save Current File to PDF with One Click VBA
WORD Save Pages from Current File to PDF with One Click VBA
WORD Search Replace with Superscript Text
WORD Select all tables in a word document
WORD Select objects behind text in tables
WORD Set page to portrait landscape in quick access toolbar VBA
WORD Set Table Paragraph Indent to -0 15 to Fit Contents VBA
WORD Show the Developer ribbon
WORD Spelling Not Working even if Language Set non-VBA VBA
WORD Split Current Document into Pages VBA
WORD Toggle Insert Page Break Toggle Reset Paragraph
WORD Use VBA to Compress Current Picture All Pictures in Document
WORD Using Different Colors with Tracked Changes comments
WORD Using Formulas in Word Tables SUM IF etc
WORD VBA Code to Display All Word Keyboard Shortcuts
WORD VBA to Create Date Stamp Bookmark
WORD VBA to Make Button to Add Remove 6pt After Paragraph
WORD VBA to Make Button to Add Remove Text Highlight
WORD VBA to Make Button to Condense Expand Font Spacing
WORD VBA to Make Toggle Button to Enable Disable AutoSave
WORD VBA to Make Toggle Button to Enable Disable OverType
WORD VBA to Programatically Change the Text of a Bookmark
WORD VBA to Send Active Document via Email Outlook
WORD What To Do if When Saving PDF from Word Borders are Messed
WORD Wildcard Replacement of Paragraph Number Text Paragraph
WORD Wildcard Replacement of Text wildcard rules and examples
WORD Word Showing Wrong Number of Pages
WORD Word VBA Code Samples


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